Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hands On Review

Palm has had a couple of sneak peeks available for the Foleo at some of their store locations. Treo Central has a forum discussion on one of these events by a couple that attended. Some interesting views and perhaps most notably for me the fact that the Foleo power brick is as yet still a mystery... It was said by a Palm rep that the power adapter would be no bigger than that of the Treo. Here is hoping that it will BE the Treo power adapter. OK, I am a very opinionated individual but I think it would be dumb to not have the Foleo utilize the same power adapter as the Treo. Why carry a second power adapter with a unit that is designed to pair with when you can use the existing one. Laptops users need to carry a second adapter, would Palm really make Foleo users do the same? Well I guess if the Foleo is just a laptop then yes they would :)

Come on Palm, don't F*CK this one up. DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS - get the small stuff right!

On another note my predictions regarding memory and the CF card look to be spot on. Looks like the CF card will be the hard drive for the unit so simply swapping out the CF card will score you more RAM as well as storage space and a solid state hard drive. Not sure if OS will reside on CF card or not.

Go read!


UnwiredBen said...

I'm sorry, but the power connector is different between the Treo and the Foleo. There's a technical reason for this -- the Foleo needs a higher wattage power supply to charge it's battery quickly, as you've got over twice the battery capacity in the Foleo than in the Treo phones.

The CF slot is an add-on to the internal flash memory where the system software is stored; there's nothing to swap, you just add a card to get additional user storage.

Dileep George said...
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Adam Clement said...

Ben, thx very much for the clarification. OK, so I can understand the trade off, little less convenience and having to carry an extra charger vs a quicker charge. Not my choice but then again it is not my choice! I will let this one go and just look forward to Foleo. :)

I am interested to know, will the Foleo charge on a standard car DC outlet?

Also, will it be possible to set the BIOS (as it were) to have the Foleo boot from the CF card? This would be a very nice simple plus for people who wanted to run Linux etc of their own flavor. Sure the Palm OS will rock, but this would be another opportunity to give the Foleo some extra cool factor and Buzz and selling extra units because they are desirable to the Linux crowd is not a bad thing.


p.s. Will I be able to order my Foleo soon!?!?